The following is a breakdown of the solo training program haasen pod offers by week. As my client, you and I will work together on your time to train you in the technical skills you need to record and edit (using your computer, phone and FREE software available to you). Together we will create your to-do list and work through it systematically.
Price $550
Week 1
Create and define the aim of your podcast. We’ll launch right into tech training and begin working on setting you up for recording (at home or in the field).
Week 2
Start to story-board your podcast. What do the episodes look like, how do each of them support the aim of your podcast (season), and who do you need to contact to start recording episode one?
Week 3
Send out requests for interviews, record your intro, record interviews, design artwork/branding, and edit, edit, edit!
Week 5
Interview, edit, sound design, rights and regulations, posting, story arc, mid-program check in.
Week 7
Blogging and documenting the process, work notes, review on tech skills, creating social media accounts for your podcast.
Week 4
How to describe and write about yourself and your work, and choose your platform. Budget reflection: are you at the point where you need to purchase software or subscriptions?
Week 6
Public domain music and sounds, episode one done, reflection on workflow, season-at-a-glance, preparing for launch.
Week 8
How/where to market your podcast. Revenue-generating techniques and branding your podcast for mass consumption. What’s next for you and your podcast?